Africa's digital revolution: this is what you need to know
Africa is closely watched as the next big growth market – a description that has persisted for a while. There are many reasons for optimism: the African continent is home to some of the y...
BA (Hons) in Economics, Delhi Univ.; MA, Delhi School of Economics; PhD in Economics and Univ. Fellow, Univ. of Rochester. More than 25 years as consultant and educator. Formerly: Partner, McKinsey & Co. and Leader, Innovation and Global Forces practices and Member, Knowledge Services Cttee; Faculty, Harvard Business School and Harvard Univ. Center for the Environment; Distinguished Scholar, MIT Legatum Center for Dev. and Entrepreneurship; Partner and Thought Leader, Monitor Group; Faculty, Bellcore, Univ. of Illinois; Officer, TAS. Currently, Senior Associate Dean, Int'l Business and Finance, The Fletcher School, Tufts Univ.; Founding Exec. Director, Institute for Business in the Global Context; Professor of Practice. Author: The Slow Pace of Fast Change: Bringing Innovations to Market in a Connected World; over 70 articles in peer-reviewed academic journals, newspaper articles and op-eds, book chapters and HBS case studies.
Africa is closely watched as the next big growth market – a description that has persisted for a while. There are many reasons for optimism: the African continent is home to some of the y...
This first appeared in the Harvard Business Review.
The global digital economy crossed an important milestone recently: the number of internet users in two countries — China, with just over 800 million users, and India, with 500 million us...
Global society is at an unusual juncture. Even as historic crises and unmet societal needs deeply affect the human condition, many have unbounded enthusiasm for the transformative problem...
Digital technology was dreamed of as the ultimate connector and leveler, the ideal destroyer of borders and boundaries. The digital community that assembled itself around this summer’s FI...
With trade wars, immigration crackdowns and polarized media, we seem to be in an endless winter of political and societal discontent. Ironically, the primary driver of this discontent, th...
The digital industry is riding an important—and turbulent—wave of change right now. As Facebook and others grapple with tough questions about data privacy and security practices, trust in...
The year 2018 is barely underway and, already, digital trust initiatives have captured headlines. Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg has said his platform will de-prioritize third-party publisher...
We have all heard about a gap when it comes to participation of women in the tech industry. Facebook, Google, and Apple have 17%, 19% and 23% women in their technology staffs, respectivel...
Almost a year ago, the Indian government rolled out an unprecedented policy move. Arguably, it was a time when the country was poised for economic success. With $9.49 trillion in purchasi...
Where do we stand globally in terms of digital integration and where can we expect to be in the next 5-10 years? What will be the biggest impact of the digitalization of our economy? What...
What is a “smart” society? While flights of imagination from science-fiction writers, filmmakers, and techno-futurists involve things like flying cars and teleportation, in practice smart...
American leadership in technology innovation and economic competitiveness is at risk if U.S. policymakers don’t take crucial steps to protect the country’s digital future. The country tha...
After multiple terror attacks, a snap election with a surprise result, and a devastating fire in London, UK officials had plenty on their minds going into the the start of Brexit negotiat...