Issy McGrath是一名II型Usher综合征患者。她完全失明且严重失聪,但她热爱音乐并且会吹奏长笛。Issy说,触觉、嗅觉和想象力就像她心里的三只眼睛,让她能经常感觉到视觉无法把握的东西。例如她发现冬天早晨的空气“几乎就像固体一样”,而在冰冻的大地面前,她能感受到一种令人着迷的气氛。
I am a video artist and academic at the University of Glasgow. My scholarly and creative work, which follows a practice-as-research method, investigate and explore visual aesthetics, alternative approaches to image making, technologies of perception, and understanding digital materiality from the intersection of cultures. My work intends to address socio-environmental issues and create space for cultural dialogues and effective engagement with unrepresented communities.
Issy McGrath是一名II型Usher综合征患者。她完全失明且严重失聪,但她热爱音乐并且会吹奏长笛。Issy说,触觉、嗅觉和想象力就像她心里的三只眼睛,让她能经常感觉到视觉无法把握的东西。例如她发现冬天早晨的空气“几乎就像固体一样”,而在冰冻的大地面前,她能感受到一种令人着迷的气氛。
Issy McGrath has type 2 Usher syndrome. Completely blind and severely deaf, she has a passion for music and plays the flute. Using a combination of touch, smell and keen imagination – her...