Co-Author, Modern Achievement (modernachievement.com). President and CEO, Junior Achievement (JA) Worldwide (jaworldwide.org), one of the largest youth services organizations in the world. With operations in over 100 countries, JA serves more than 15 million young people annually with programs designed to create pathways to employability and entrepreneurship. JA has over 150 million living alumni worldwide, including many successful business leaders and social entrepreneurs. Former: Chief Executive Officer, Covestor (acquired by Interactive Brokers); Chief Executive Officer, CircleLending (acquired by Virgin Group); Consultant, World Bank; Monitor Group. Tony Hsieh Award. YPO Global Impact Award for Northeastern USA. Graduate, Wharton School and Oxford University. Commonwealth Scholarship.
Incluso antes de la pandemia mundial, la Unicef estimaba que uno de cada siete adolescentes experimentaba una mala salud mental. En 2022, la Organización Mundial de la Salud informaba de ...
Even before the global pandemic, UNICEF estimated that one in seven adolescents experienced poor mental health. By 2022, the World Health Organization was reporting that depression and an...
La Educación 4.0 reimagina la educación como una experiencia inclusiva a lo largo de toda la vida que hace recaer en el alumno la responsabilidad del desarrollo de sus capacidades, mientr...
Education 4.0 reimagines education as an inclusive, lifelong experience that places the responsibility for skill-building on the learner, with teachers and mentors acting as facilitators ...
Mosibudi Makgato and her sister Rosemary Padi have turned the taste of their South African childhood into a thriving business. Through their home-crafted ginger beer, sold under the Yamam...
The best educational experiences not only build skillsets but also develop a mindset that encourages optimism, innovation, and empowerment. In such a learning environment:
Of the 10 immediate risks listed in this year’s World Economic Forum Global Risks Report, the one most likely to be overlooked is number eight – “youth disillusionment”.
As the global pandemic reshapes the future of jobs, how can we help prepare our youth for the unknown? Here are three ideas.
With technology advancing at an unparalleled speed and scale, the process by which educational institutions develop and adopt new curricula no longer moves fast enough to prepare young pe...
L'avenir des emplois n'a jamais été aussi incertain. McKinsey Global Institute estime que la moitié de tous les emplois pourraient être automatisés d'ici 2055. Des perturbations à l'échel...
El futuro de los empleos nunca ha sido tan incierto. Según McKinsey Global Institute, la mitad de todos los trabajos podrían automatizarse para el año 2055. Las interrupciones en toda la ...
The future of jobs has never been more uncertain. McKinsey Global Institute estimates that half of all jobs could be automated by 2055. Industry-wide disruptions are occurring faster than...
Antes de que Cindy iniciara su compañía, Chocolovers, a través del programa La Compañía de JA (Junior Achievement), ella no aspiraba a la educación superior en su vecindario de El Salvado...
Before Cindy started her company, Chocolovers, through the JA (Junior Achievement) Company Program, higher education wasn’t an aspiration in her El Salvador neighbourhood, which suffers f...