MBA in Finance, HEC Paris. More than 20 years of experience in the healthcare industry. Completed some 25 M&A transactions, with a particular focus on targets in home healthcare, clinical decision support, imaging and image-guided intervention and treatment. Former European Regional Controller, Baxter Healthcare, Baxter’s $2.5 billion business. 2005, joined Philips; former Senior Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer, Philips Home Healthcare Solutions; then Senior Vice-President, Royal Philips, in charge of global strategy, business development and M&A, Philips Healthcare, the $13 billion in sales unit of Royal Philips based in Boston. Joined the World Economic Forum as Senior Director of Global Health and Healthcare.
In the past, forgers have targeted currency, artworks, even wine. Now, COVID-19 vaccines are in their sights. In July, CNN reported thousands of people had fallen prey to a scam selling f...
“Despite substantial research advances showing what can be done to prevent and treat mental disorders and to promote mental health, translation into real-world effects has been painfully ...
Over the past year, health and healthcare systems that were already known to be unsustainable because they are too costly and fundamentally inefficient also demonstrated their inability t...
The world has arrived at a precarious juncture in the COVID-19 pandemic. The initial roll-out of vaccines has begun in a few countries, but infections and deaths are still rising globally...
Actualmente se están ejecutando a un ritmo acelerado numerosos programas de desarrollo de vacunas contra el coronavirus, y algunos candidatos prometedores están entrando en la fase 1 (dos...
Numerous coronavirus vaccine development programmes are currently being run at a fast pace, with some promising candidates going into phase 1 (dosage and absence of toxicity), some advanc...
Alzheimer’s disease is uniquely devastating. It destroys a person’s memories and cognitive capabilities, making it impossible for them to live fulfilled and independent lives. It can be e...
The world has lost a remarkable leader and we have lost a cherished friend and colleague. Bernard J. Tyson was the epitome of honour and his untimely passing has sent shockwaves across th...
According to OECD estimates, 20% of healthcare spend is wasted globally. The United States Institute of Medicine believes the figure is more like 30%. Using both estimates, the top 15 cou...
More than nine billion people are anticipated to be living on the planet by 2050, with two billion above the age of 60. To address the challenges inherent in population growth on this sca...
If we are to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, governments and businesses will need to develop long-term strategies that take the goals seriously as time-bound, quantitat...
Una buena salud mental permite a las personas desarrollar todo su potencial, hacer frente a las tensiones normales de la vida, trabajar de manera productiva y contribuir con sus comunidad...