Annabel Walker is a Writer at Formative Content. Recoded to Forum Agenda on 29/05/2024.
Un presupuesto de carbono mide la cantidad de CO₂ que producen la industria, los hogares y todos los demás sectores de la economía para calcular cuánto deben reducirse las emisiones en el...
This article was first published in 2022 and was updated in March 2024.
The United Nations says the global cost of living crisis is pushing 71 million people into poverty. And a global effort is now needed to help shield the poorest from the impact of rapidly...
Europe’s population is maturing. Improved healthcare, better diets and technological advances have helped increasing numbers of older citizens in Europe live well into their golden years.
In a Dutch port more used to cargo ships and cranes, the world’s largest floating office has just settled into the harbour.
Indians used to record some of the highest scores in global happiness ratings, but from the summer of 2019, things began to unravel.
Nature’s hidden beauty has been revealed in all its tiny glory in the latest winners of a microscopic photography competition.
Covid-19 has had a shattering effect on the world of work and in many countries it continues to do so.