While much of daily life and economic activities came to a grinding halt at some point during the pandemic, the digital, technological transformation did not stop. Moore’s Law—an oracle o...
Em tempos de debates econômicos acalorados, melhorar as aptidões profissionais é um dos raros consensos por todo o mundo. A globalização e o progresso tecnológico têm tornado a produtivid...
En estos tiempos de acalorado debate económico, mejorar las habilidades es uno de los pocos consensos en todo el mundo. La globalización y el progreso tecnológico han hecho que la product...
In these times of heated economic debate, improving skills is one of the rare consensuses worldwide. Globalization and technological progress has made productivity more dependent on a bro...
Desde el comienzo del nuevo milenio, China se ha convertido en uno de los socios comerciales claves para América Latina. De hecho, es el socio más importante de Brasil, Chile y Perú. El c...
La recaudación de impuestos en América Latina y el Caribe alcanzó el 22,8% del PIB en 2015, según la base de datos Revenue Statistics in Latin America and the Caribbean, publicada recient...
Latin America faces an acute skills shortage. Around 50% of formal Latin American firms cannot find candidates with the skills they need, compared to 36% of firms in OECD countries, accor...
América Latina enfrenta una grave escasez de capacidades. Alrededor del 50 % de las empresas latinoamericanas formales no pueden encontrar candidatos con las capacidades que necesitan, en...
Tax collection in Latin America and the Caribbean reached 22.8% of GDP in 2015, according to the recently released database Revenue Statistics in Latin America and the Caribbean. Followin...
Since the start of the new millennium, China has become one of Latin America’s key trading partners. In fact, it is the most important partner for Brazil, Chile and Peru. Trade between Ch...