今年对中国来说可能是关键的一年。自2022年底中国放宽疫情限制以来,其二氧化碳排放量可能首现下降。英国气候政策网站Carbon Brief的一份新报告显示,此前2023年的排放量显著回升,同比增长近5%。
今年对中国来说可能是关键的一年。自2022年底中国放宽疫情限制以来,其二氧化碳排放量可能首现下降。英国气候政策网站Carbon Brief的一份新报告显示,此前2023年的排放量显著回升,同比增长近5%。
Este podría ser un año crucial para China. Sus emisiones de CO2 podrían caer por primera vez desde que el país relajó sus restricciones pandémicas a finales de 2022. La noticia llega tras...
This could be a pivotal year for China. Its CO2 emissions could fall for the first time since the country relaxed its pandemic restrictions in late 2022. The news follows a marked rebound...
Nearly 80% of companies rank innovation among their top three priorities. And those who promote a culture of innovation, embracing risks, fostering collaboration, and granting autonomy to...
The financial advice industry was considered conservative, dominated by large, established organizations mainly focused on the wealthier end of the financial clientele.
India’s economy is highly dependent on nature and extremely vulnerable to climate risks. A third of its GDP comes from sectors greatly reliant on nature. Research has found that the clima...
• 世界経済フォーラムの新しいレポートによると、2030年までに地球観測(EO)データから推定3.8兆ドルが生み出される可能性があります。
“Earthrise” is one of the most iconic images ever taken. Snapped in 1968 by Apollo 8 astronaut William Anders, who died this month, it changed how we perceive our planet. Its depiction of...
“Quantum technology will permeate and impact every key sector of the economy and take us into a period likely to be referred to as the post-quantum era. This collectively creates an econo...
This article has been updated.
La aptitud para trabajar con la IA pronto podría rivalizar con la experiencia a la hora de elegir entre candidatos a un puesto de trabajo. Así se desprende de un nuevo estudio internacion...
AI aptitude could soon rival experience when choosing between job candidates. This is according to a new international study by Microsoft and LinkedIn on labour and recruitment trends due...