Amy Pope

Director General, International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Ms. Amy E. Pope of the United States of America began her five-year term as the eleventh Director General (DG) of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on 1 October 2023. She is the first woman Director General of IOM.

DG Pope is a dynamic leader with demonstrated experience in addressing complex migration issues and bringing transformative change across organizations. Prior to her historic election, DG Pope was IOM’s Deputy Director General (DDG) for Management and Reform. During her tenure as DDG, Ms. Pope implemented a series of budgetary, management and administrative reforms to optimize IOM’s field delivery and risk management, enhance internal justice outcomes and operational results, and strengthen coordination with the United Nations system.

Before joining IOM, DG Pope served as the Senior Advisor on Migration to US President Biden and served as the Deputy Homeland Security Advisor to President Obama. While working at the White House, DG Pope developed and implemented comprehensive strategies to address migration, in areas such as countering trafficking in persons, resettling refugees and vulnerable people, and preparing communities to respond and adapt to climate-related crises.

She has promoted dialogue on global migration challenges and opportunities through her academic writing and work with Chatham House. She has also occupied positions at the US Department of Justice and US Senate and was a Partner in the London-based law firm, Schillings.

Recognizing that global systems must adapt to the world’s current realities, DG Pope has empowered diverse teams to achieve change and create inclusive solutions that prioritize the needs of impacted people, especially migrants.

DG Pope firmly believes that engagement with all stakeholders, including Members States, the private sector, civil society organizations and migrants themselves, is key to harnessing the power of migration.

DG Pope graduated magna cum laude from the Duke University School of Law with a Juris Doctor and has a BA in Political Science (with Honors) from the Haverford College in Pennsylvania. She is married and has two daughters.



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