Here's how 16 social innovators are leading change at Davos
The world is at a critical juncture as economies and livelihoods are battered by multiple overlapping crises, from war in Ukraine to climate change and the fallout of COVID-19.
The world is at a critical juncture as economies and livelihoods are battered by multiple overlapping crises, from war in Ukraine to climate change and the fallout of COVID-19.
我们应该如何使世界变得更好?我们缺的不是资源、解决方案或技术,而是聪明才智。我们需要研究我们如何扮演好公民、政府和企业的角色,从而促进转型。社会创新者和服务他人的系统颠覆者,为使世界成为一个更加公正、可持续和公平的地方提供了独特的见解。施瓦布基金会(Schwab Foundation)的社会创新者群体已经影响了来自190多个国家的7.22亿人的生活。
How do we make the world a better place? It’s not resources, solutions, or technologies that we lack, it’s resourcefulness. We need to work out how we organize ourselves as citizens, gove...
Race to Zero is a global campaign to rally leadership and support from businesses, cities, regions and investors for a healthy, resilient, zero-carbon recovery that prevents future threat...
It’s time to reset the relationship between finance and the real economy. For the sake of our planet, it’s also time for public and private finance to get behind the transition to a susta...
This month, world leaders and experts convened for the UN General Assembly which is culminating in the UN Summit on Biodiversity today. The Summit will emphasise the need to safeguard nat...
The World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders (YGLs) and its Alumni community committed to promising targets during their 15th Annual Summit held in San Francisco on 15-18 October 2018....