Alessandro is a honorary research fellow at the University of Melbourne, Australia. Early in 2016, he has been awarded an US National Academy of Sciences Research Associate NRC Fellowship within the National Risk Management Research Laboratory of US-EPA in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is a honorary research fellow at
His research focuses in unravelling the functional links between habitat structure, biodiversity and eco-hydrological processes in both natural and human-dominated ecosystems. He has worked in numerous projects funded by the Australian Research Council and the American National Science Foundation, expanding his professional network throughout four continents. Over the years, he enjoyed the opportunity to guest lecture for undergraduate and postgraduate subjects related to urban green infrastructures, urban horticulture, eco-hydrology, landscape architecture, urban planning, design and landscape architecture. Alessandro is particularly interested in the applied side of his research which spans environmental management, ecological design, science communication and outreach.
Urban flooding represents the most common yet severe environmental threat to cities and towns worldwide. Future changes in rainfall extremes are likely to increase this threat, even in ar...