How investing in healthy habits can deliver a powerful return for society
As global longevity increases and chronic diseases become more prevalent, healthcare systems face mounting pressure to transition from reaction to prevention.
Adrian Gore founded Discovery in South Africa in 1992 – with a core purpose “to make people healthier and enhance and protect their lives”. Discovery is now a global financial services organisation and renowned for the Vitality Shared-Value Insurance model, which incentivises behaviour change and integrates this into insurance and financial services pricing. This pioneering model is transforming insurance markets globally, integrated into the offerings of leading insurers such as AIA, Generali, John Hancock, Manulife, Sumitomo and Ping An Health, with over 35 million impacted lives across 40 markets.
Adrian holds a BSc (Hons) in Actuarial Science from the University of the Witwatersrand. He is the founder and Group Chief Executive of Discovery, and a Member of the Board of: Discovery Health; Discovery Limited; The Vitality Group; Vitality UK. He is a Fellow of the Faculty of Actuaries, Edinburgh and an Associate of the Society of Actuaries, Chicago.
Adrian is a member of Business Leadership South Africa; Vice President of Business Unity South Africa; sits on the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health Board of Overseers; and the World Economic Forum Global Health and Healthcare Industries group. He has won numerous awards for leadership and entrepreneurship, including the Sunday Times Business Leader of the Year (2010); the McKinsey Geneva Forum of Health Award (2015); CNBCA-ABN Forbes, Business Leader of the Year (2016); Frost and Sullivan Visionary Innovation Leadership Award for Africa (2017); Ernst & Young Global Lifetime Achiever Award (2018); the Actuarial Society of South Africa President’s Award (2020); and the International Insurance Society’s Vanguard Market Development Award (2023).
As global longevity increases and chronic diseases become more prevalent, healthcare systems face mounting pressure to transition from reaction to prevention.
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