Harvard University professors constantly read and assign texts to their students. So they know a good book when they see one.
Getting a job at Elon Musk's SpaceX is incredibly hard.
Jeff Bezos, the Amazon CEO and richest person in the world, has amassed his wealth by being creative and trying unorthodox ways of solving problems.
15位常春藤联盟高校的教授联名写了一封信送给新入学的大学生们,要他们挑战自我,避免对主流观点的盲从。 他们写道:“我们是普林斯顿大学,哈佛大学和耶鲁大学的学者和老师,我们有一些想法,希望能与你们这些来自全国各地的大学生分享,为你们提供点建议。我们的建议可以提炼成一句话,那就是——独立思考。” “独立思考就是质疑权威,即便你身边的所有人都坚持权威观点,觉得它们不容置疑,...
The New York City Department of Education announced Wednesday that all public school students, regardless of family income, will receive free lunch.
A group of 15 Ivy League professors wrote a letter to incoming college freshmen, challenging them to avoid conforming to dominant views.
Crafting "the perfect" résumé to get yourself noticed among a stack of other qualified candidates is an exercise in self-doubt.
Fresh off the excitement of gaining acceptance into the most competitive university in America, Stanford University incoming freshmen will likely want to take the summer to relax a bit.
College professors dole out an incredible amount of required reading to their students.
Automation has become an increasingly disruptive force in the labor market.
Harvard University again tops the list of the world's best universities, according to a new list from the Center for World University Rankings.
The number of foreign students in American schools has been surging over the past decade, and numbers are up again, according to newly released data from the US Department of State's Bure...
Finland is an innovative country when it comes to education, and its innovation yields results.
A new study published by the National Bureau of Economic Research discovered an established link between the number of universities in a country and its gross domestic product (GDP).