YGL-Shapers Bay Area Homelessness Project

Symposium Background: Annually, YGLs and Shapers from Northern California choose a symposium topic and work together to have a positive impact on our local geographic community. We aim to: 1- learn/share diverse local context on the issue,  2- inspire meaningful action and impact,  3- deepen our personal relationships. It is a chance to relate to other YGLs-Shapers by intentionally building a unique environment for commitment to improving the world with little and big actions.
Even in one of the world’s strongest and fastest growing economies, the degree of human suffering that stems from the San Francisco Bay Area’s housing crisis is a beacon warning to the rest of the globe. We're digging deep this year together to understand this complex issue: how did we get here? what can we do to improve our community's response to this crisis?
Pre-Symposium Impact Activities: In the months leading up to the Oct 2020 symposium, we consulted several local homeless agencies to understand and respond to their needs during the pandemic, resulting in these activities:

  1. Face Mask Fundraiser:  We have been able to keep thousands of unsheltered people safe by gathering donations and sourcing N95 face masks for homeless service agencies battling COVID and Wildfires .

  2. Food Boxes from Local Chefs:  We have been able to "break bread" with people needing food while also supporting local chefs. Via the buy one, give one food box campaign with Mission Meals and La Cocina, YGLs-Shapers celebrated LatinX Heritage Month. 

  3. DataThon:  We volunteered virtually at a Sheltertech Datathon to validate and update information about services people rely on when experiencing homelessness, such as where they can get childcare, employment support, meals or shelter. This was especially challenging during COVID. 

2020 Symposium Event Summary: The virtual symposium event was held on October 17th, 2020.  This half-day event included a fireside chat with subject matter experts, art performances by at-risk youth, design sessions led by world-class facilitators, and social time with live musical performances. We circled up around five local homeless service agencies and dug deep into how we can support them during these challenging times. You can check out this LINK to Slides that our non-profit partners made for you to learn more about their work.
We intend to continue the discussion and continue to take action to improve the housing and homelessness crisis in the Bay Area and globally.
WHAT YOU CAN DO NOW: the work and conversation continues, so post here to advance the intelligence on the issue/area, link up resources or connect with others.  Also, some easy actions were highlighted in the Symposium:

  • Help design a strategy for a new innovative program aimed at installing Internet services in supportive housing units at Sheltertech-Code Tenderloin.  Email Bill (bill@sheltertech.org). 

  • Volunteer to make calls/texts with an unhoused neighbor at miraclefriends.org or become a Digital Detective to help them find their families at: miraclemessages.org/getinvolved.

  • Buy LaCocina Community Food boxes (LINK) to support local Bay Area chefs.

  • Follow and promote youth artists from Larkin Street Youth Services on Instagram (LINK).  Volunteer to mentor a young artist (musician, dancer, producer, etc), provide a virtual talent training or donate meeting space in SF.  Email Krista (kdenio@larkinstreetyouth.org).

  • Buy a few items to help kids get a backpack full of supplies through the Women's Building Food pantry. (LINK

  • Post below or/and reach out to others to continue to take big and small action.


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