Tourism with Cause

Tourism with Cause aims to raise awareness about the impacts of solid waste, mainly in touristic places. Currently, the project holds a monthly event in two municipalities in the state of Morelos: Cuernavaca, its capital, and Tepoztlan. The event consists in three main activities: a dynamic group exercise; a waste separation workshop and; a walk to pick up litter, also known as plogging. At the end, the collected trash is counted by type to better understand the impact of the lack of proper waste management and to celebrate collective achievements. This project is supported by ALFA de Morelos, an innovative state company, that aims to better traditional systems for positive environmental impact. 

In the 4 challenges done in 2018, the Hub achieved to:

- Recover 327.7 kg of solid waste: 102.4 kg of recyclable and 225.3 kg of not recyclable waste.

- Have the participation of 60 persons.

- Be supported by 4 yoga teachers who made our events more complete.

- Create alliances with the tourism secretariat of Tepoztlán.

- Strengthen the collaboration with ALFA de Morelos to continue with the project next year.

This 2019, the hub seeks to achieve:

- 15 assistants first month and increase participation in 5 persons each month.

- 50-70% of the waste in recycling centres.

- Identify waste recycling centres in Tepoztlan and Cuernavaca to share it with the community.

- Generate new alliances with government, social groups and other organizations that can let us make this impact bigger.


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