The Code (in partnership with Dentsu International)


The Global Shapers Community Sofia Hub, in partnership with Dentsu International is proud to be equipping the next generation of talent with the skills to thrive in the digital economy, through our early careers programme, The Code.

The Code opens the door so that students aged 15-18, from diverse backgrounds can enter the digital marketing and advertising  industry through immersive workshops, practical skill building sessions and apprenticeship opportunities.

Through these experiences students gain technical, craft and strategic soft skills required to succeed in the digital marketing industry. At the end of the theoretical sessions, students are also given the chance to work on real-life marketing briefs from some of Dentsu’s biggest clients with a particular focus on achieving innovative and creative solutions to sustainability and circularity challenges.

The Code aims to improve the digital skills of 1500 young people in the next 5 years in Bulgaria alone, supporting them to become empowered digital citizens who can thrive in today’s digital economy.



Annually, from July to December


Employment and Education


High-school students aged 15-18 in rural and urban areas throughout the country need to obtain critical digital skills so that they can be prepared for the realities of the digital economy and enhance their employment potential


The Sofia Hub is aiming to fix the problem by conceptualising and executing an annual early careers educational initiative (The Code) in partnership with a Fortune 500 company that provides mentors in the fields of traditional and digital marketing, social media management and advertising. After a successful kick off in 2021, this is the second edition of the initiative. The initiative is a long-term solution that aims to educate and upskill 1500 students in the next 5 years.


Immediately after the students complete the curriculum delivered by the expert cohort from Dentsu, they are provided with a brief by an actual client so that they have the chance to apply the theoretical learnings to a live scenario. They are given the chance to also consult with a dedicated mentor, available to answer any follow up questions or provide further information/guidance in the preparation process. Finally, the students are invited to present their concept and deliverables in front of the client and a jury panel. The immediate benefits that stem directly from the completion of the programme are: improved communication and presentation skills, better time management and team skills, a broad range of technical and soft skills, knowledge and skills related to digital and social media marketing and advertising.


The Code opens the doors of the marketing and advertising industry to students from diverse backgrounds through immersive workshops, work experience opportunities and apprenticeships. Through these experiences they cultivate technical skills, craft and strategic soft skills required to succeed in the digital marketing industry. They also work on cutting edge marketing briefs from some of Dentsu’s biggest clients which focus on challenges ranging from sustainability, circular economy, net zero emissions etc.


Measurements of Success that are monitored throughout the project:

- Growing % of returning schools on a YoY basis

- Overall approval rate of the programme (both from students / teachers)

- Diversity and Inclusion

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to ensure the MoS are on track:

- % of returning applications (both students / schools)


- % of students coming from rural areas / % of students that are female



-        112 participants

-        9 teachers

-        30 mentors

-        2 clients that provided real life briefs

-        6 winning teams

-        52 % female students

-        68 % students coming from rural areas and/or state schools that are historically overlooked and/or lacking extra-curricular initiatives

-        97% approval rate / NPS


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