Skill Up

Skill Up aims to prepare future graduates to be ready for the professional world. We are excited to share with you an update on our recent meeting with Ms. Jaida from the career center of Hassan 2 University. Early May, our team had the pleasure of discussing the crucial need for students to acquire employability and soft skills, which led to exploring potential partnerships between Global Shapers Mohammedia and the university.

As we all know, employability remains a pressing issue for graduating students. Therefore, our team is dedicated to creating a comprehensive curriculum that will benefit not only the students but also the university and society as a whole. Our goal is to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical skills that are necessary for students' successful entry into the workforce.

In our pursuit of achieving this goal, we are thrilled to announce that we will be conducting our first training session on Non-Violent Communication on Saturday, 13th May. Our founding Curator, Rim Raoudi , will be leading this session, which we hope will serve as a stepping stone for many more to come.

We are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with Hassan 2 University and make a positive impact on the lives of its students. Stay tuned for more updates on our progress, and we look forward to your support in this journey.


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