Shaping Fashion

Under the leadership of Amsterdam Hub, hubs around the world organised meaningful events, workshops, clothes swaps and film screenings to call for revolutionary and ethical change in their communities.

For example, Vancouver Hub gathered industry experts and next generation fashion designers to provide insights on the challenges, opportunities and innovations facing sustainable fashion.

The hub also hosted an upcycling workshop to mainstream circular economy models to make ethical, sustainable fashion the norm – and Dusseldorf Hub hosted similar events too.

Check out more highlights from: Corrientes Hub, Lahore Hub, and Davao Hub.

Other participating hubs include: Iloilo Hub, Lusaka Hub, Lyon Hub, Milan Hub, Quito Hub, Raleigh Hub and Taipei Hub.

Recently, Amsterdam Hub presented the project to Dutch Prime Minister, Mark Rutte, and asked if there were any areas where their expertise might be helpful.

After the meeting, the hub reflected:

"So much has to happen in the world, but on days like this I do honestly feel empowered that we can be and make the change. Especially when being able to share ideas and collaborate with like-minded individuals across the world through the Global Shapers Community!"

Find out more:


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