Shaping Disability

Problem statement

More than 15% of the world’s population is estimated to be living with some form of disability. They are also the fastest growing and largest minority group in the world (Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities). As per the Convention, persons with disabilities shall be ensured the right to liberty and security whilst specifically safeguarding their rights to be free from torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, violence and abuse.

The unprecedented challenges the world is facing have emphasized the relevance of cohesiveness, social and economic inclusiveness. Global Shapers seek to address inequalities and recognize persons with disabilities in the social-economic strata. It is of utmost importance to speak and engage in an open discussion with people, especially the youth, to minimize the future consequences of injustices, social stigma and look beyond someone’s disability and to create a systemic change reframing the value and dignity of persons with disabilities.

About Shaping Disability

Shaping Disability is an official Global Shapers Community cross-hub initiative. The project consists of the following activities and aspirations:

  • A series of online activities, web-based discussions, offline events, etc. around disability inclusion across hubs with the support of fellow Global Shapers

  • Create and implement a declaration/set of guidelines on practical recommendations for making all hub projects and events inclusive

  • Encourage all hubs to strongly consider young persons with disabilities in their recruitment cycles

  • Encourage all hubs to implement their projects and forums while accommodating inclusive mechanisms and to share their stories to create more awareness e.g. Use of sign language and braille papers when possible, use of audio and video material where possible, conduct meetings/ discussions that enable an inclusive environment, etc.

  • Host the annual #ShapingDISABILITY Summit in tandem with International Day of Disabled Persons in December with the patronage of Global Shapers HQ, Young Global Leaders, Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, Global Future Councils and other key stakeholders

How to get involved

Every single hub is invited to join the effort. For a hub project to be an official part of this cross-hub collaboration and benefit from the use of the Global Shapers Community logo, the hub will need to submit their project via TopLink following the cross-hub initiatives guidelines.


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