Shaping the Future of Work


One-third of our lives is spent in a work environment that is being rapidly transformed by emerging technologies. Global Shapers have the opportunity and the responsibility to influence the Future of Work. Shaping the Future of Work was a cross-hub collaboration that sought to understand the perspective and needs of young people about the Future of Work, sparked discussions on the topic, and helped to define a roadmap for each region on how the Future of Work could evolve, followed by a report from each region. 


Problem Statement

Labour markets are experiencing multiple transformations due to the 4IR and the demographic transition. Young people in Buenos Aires, especially those under 40 years of age, have been developing their careers amidst these changes, which requires their rapid adaptation and the acquisition of skills that are relevant in this changing world. Nonetheless, public policies and initiatives, both at the national and subnational level, do not consider the youth perspective. 


Target Group

The project aimed to impact public policies and private initiatives related to the future of work in Argentina, which affect the lives of young people across the country now and for years to come.


Proposed Solution

The cross-hub project implemented a survey targeted at young people (aged 18-30). Their experiences were collected using a mixed methodology that incorporated both qualitative and quantitative tools. This initial analysis informed the validation and improvement of the survey created by the Brussels Hub for the Shape7 project. The second stage included 40 events in all regions and was designed to understand the youth perspective of this topic.


Hub Activities

Interviews, media interventions and the creation of a report.


Short/Long-Term Goals and Results

  • A total of 2,500 young people from all regions we reached, mostly from Africa (34%) and Latin America (37%), followed by APAC (Southeast Asia, China & East Asia, Australasia, Oceania) and North America (Canada and USA) with respectively 12% and 8.5%, followed by Europe with about 4%

  • Over 15 Shapers lead others to make the project possible with representation from all continents

  • Instagram posts related to the project outputs reached more than 4,000 impressions

  • Detailed results of the activities can be found at



Oruro Hub, New Delhi Hub, Bangalore Hub, Singapore Hub, Raleigh-Durham Hub, Hong Kong Hub, Des Moines Hub, Nice Hub, Buenos Aires Hub, Tshwane Hub (1), Tegucigalpa Hub, Sacramento Hub, Rosario Hub and Guadalajara Hub


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