Recycling Plastic Bottle Waste

Plastic bottles have become part of our everyday life, the tragedy begins when we throw them into nature believing they will be dissolved right after, but it's sad to know that they will remain in nature undissolved for decades if not centuries. The good news is that we can recycle them by modifying their usage. Therefore, the Global Shapers Herat Hub started to help nature by reusing the plastic bottle waste and turning it into useful and beautiful vases.


The goals of the project include:

1. Reducing the amount of plastic waste across the city.

2. Making beautiful vases out of the plastic waste.

3. Donating the vases to stores and public places to share the message of recycling and a hint on how to modify the usage of plastic bottle waste.


Project Impact:

In Total, we made 120 beautiful vases out of bottle wastages. We intended to prolong our project by teaching child labors and storekeepers to recylce the bottles into vases and make a profit by selling those. Some of them enthusiastically agreed with our plan and promised that they will reuse their bottles' waste into good use. 


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