Qahwa ma'a Expert

Qahwa ma’a Expert

Emerging leaders in Tripoli often face challenges in accessing mentors and experienced professionals who can provide guidance, support, and knowledge. While there are many young people in Tripoli who are interested in personal and professional development, there are limited opportunities for them to connect with experts in their respective fields. This gap hinders the growth and development of young people in Tripoli, and the wider community as a whole. The Qahwa with an Expert project aims to address this gap by providing a platform for young people to connect with experts in various fields, learn from their experiences, and build meaningful relationships.


Qahwa with an Expert is a project that connects emerging leaders in Tripoli with experienced professionals in various fields. The project aims to foster mentorship, knowledge sharing, and networking among young people in Tripoli, and support their personal and professional development.


The project is designed to provide participants with an opportunity to engage in one-on-one conversations with experts in various fields over a cup of coffee or tea. Each month, the project will focus on a different field or topic, and experts will be invited based on their expertise in that area. For example, themes may include business, technology, social entrepreneurship, government, arts, and culture.


  • Period: May 2023 – December 2023

  • Date: the evening of the second Wednesday of each month

  • Location: Tripoli Old City

  • Session time: 120 minutes 

The hub welcomes all interested organizations to partner with us and sponsor the Qahwa with an Expert to boost its outcome, reach a bigger audience and achieve its goals.



  • To provide emerging leaders in Tripoli with an opportunity to connect with experienced professionals in various fields

  • To foster mentorship, knowledge sharing, and networking among emerging and established leaders

  • To support the personal and professional development of young people in Tripoli

The impact of the project can be significant and may include:

  • Providing young people in Tripoli with access to mentors and experts, which can help them make informed decisions about their future career and personal goals

  • Facilitating the transfer of knowledge and skills from experienced professionals to young people, which can enhance their capabilities and contribute to the development of the local community

  • Building meaningful relationships between emerging and established leaders, which can foster collaboration and innovation in various fields

  • Increasing awareness and interest in personal and professional development among young people in Tripoli, which can contribute to the growth and development of the wider community

  • Promoting the culture of coffee or tea meetings as a way to share knowledge, and connect people in Tripoli


Emerging leaders in Tripoli often face challenges in accessing mentors and experienced professionals who can provide guidance, support, and knowledge. This project aims to address this gap by providing a platform for young people to connect with experts in various fields, learn from their experiences, and build meaningful relationships.


Implementation Plan:

  • Identify and invite experts from various fields to participate in the project. These may include professionals in business, technology, social entrepreneurship, government, and other relevant areas

  • Invite applications from young people in Tripoli who are interested in participating in the project. Participants should be between 18-30 years old and demonstrate a commitment to personal and professional development

  • Select 16 participants each month, based on their applications and their fit with the theme of the month

  • Organize a meeting once a month in the old city of Tripoli, where participants will have the opportunity to meet with the expert and engage in a one-on-one conversation over a cup of coffee or tea

  • Each meeting will last for approximately 2 hours and will be facilitated by a moderator who will guide the conversation and ensure that all participants have an opportunity to engage

  • At the end of each meeting, participants will be encouraged to follow up with the expert and continue the conversation, if they wish

Fields and Application Process:

Each month, the project will focus on a different field or topic, and experts will be invited based on their expertise in that area. For example, themes may include business, technology, social entrepreneurship, government, arts, and culture.


To apply, participants will be asked to submit a brief application that includes their personal information, background, and a statement of interest. Applications will be reviewed by a selection committee, and successful applicants will be notified via email.


Marketing Plan:

To promote the project, we will use a variety of channels, including social media, email newsletters, and word-of-mouth. We will also collaborate with local organizations and universities to reach a wider audience.


We will create a social media campaign that highlights the themes and experts for each month, and encourage participants to share their experiences on social media using a dedicated hashtag. We will also create a mailing list and send regular updates and reminders to participants and partners.



The project will be funded by a combination of sponsorships and donations. The budget will cover expenses such as venue rental, catering, transportation, and marketing materials. We estimate the budget to be around $3000 for the first 6 months.



Qahwa with an Expert is a unique and valuable project that aims to connect emerging leaders in Tripoli with experienced professionals in various fields. Through this project, we hope to foster mentorship, knowledge sharing, and networking among young people in Tripoli, and support their personal and professional development.


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