Project Guangyuan: Bridging the Digital Divide for Children during COVID-19

In the time of COVID-19 outbreak, school had switched to online teaching

since late January. However, a lack of digital devices left millions of poor

children out of school. Project Guangyuan was established to bridge the

new digital divide. By advocating retired devices (i.e. mobile phones,

tablets, laptops and computers) and supporting software resources, we are

advocating for education opportunities for children.


Since March 9, 2020, Project Guangyuan led a team over 80 volunteers

on promoting donation willingness, discovering candidate beneficiary

schools and students, delivering devices and monitoring the whole impacts.

As of April 14, Project Guangyuan had received ~1000 donation pledges

and successfully secured supply for over 9 schools, covering thousands of

students in 3 Provinces.



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