Narrowing the Achievement Gap for Refugees

In 2018, the Forum of Young Global Leaders traveled to Kakuma to better understand the challenges faced by communities that reside in and around the Kakuma Refugee Camp. This was subsequently followed by an entrepreneurship and leadership initiative designed to help spur greater self-employment and to connect talent to suitable mentors through a dedicated online mentoring platform. This also resulted in the establishment of the Global Shapers Kakuma Hub, the first of its kind in a refugee camp.  

At the 2020 Annual Meeting in Davos, the Global Shapers and Young Global Leaders dedicated time to connect with leaders across business, government and civil society in order to stress-test their approach and to ultimately evolve their strategy. 

What follows is a three-tiered approach aimed at Narrowing the Achievement Gap for Refugees in one of the most trying urban development zones in the world. The project would do so by building a greater pipeline of talent; improving internet connectivity and stable supply of power; and by advocating for laws that allow for refugees to attain legal work status.  


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