Hackathon of Good Deeds

Problem Statement:

Non-profit organizations, being part of the local economy, need to digitalize their processes in order to function more effectively and focus on their core missions.  

Target Group:

Non-profit organizations and IT-specialists and companies wiling to volunteer and bring value pro-bono.

Proposed Solution:

St.Petersburg Hub of the GSC organizes series of hackathons helping partnering non-profit organizations to verbalize a problem related to digitalization of processes they are facing and finding IT specialists or IT companies who make a digital solution withing an 8-day hackathon on volunteering basis.

Hub Activities:

Finding partnering non-profit organizations, helping them to define problems they have solvable in the hackathon format; finding IT specialists & companies willing to offer solutions on volunteering basis; hosting 3 opening community building webinars and the hackathon; facilitating collaboration between the parties after the hackathon.

Short & Long-Term Goals/Results:

Build community of non-profit organizations and promote digitalization among them. Promote volunteering to IT-communities and citizens of St. Petersburg. Solve measurable problems stated by participating organizations.

Available Metrics:

2 hackathons with 500+ participants have been hosted. The next hackathon is scheduled for April 2021. The Hub aims to get 5+ non-profit organizations and 20+ It specialists involved and the outreach of 500 000 people. The target is to have 3 hackathons per year.


Find out more here: https://xn--80aaado8awhcvq6a.xn--p1ai/

Collaborators: Rosmolodezh, Paradigma, Actum, Arctic media, codenrock.com, Obrazovatelny Peterburg, Tproger (additional partners will be announced).


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