Global Dignity - Acciones por la dignidad

Problem Statement

Young people in Colombia need to recognize their own dignity and that of others to promote actions that fight intolerance, injustice, and inequity.


Target group

Youth in Colombia 


Proposed Solution

Global Dignity ( - Celebrations and conversations around human dignity and actions that promote it, led by the Barranquilla Hub.


Hub Activities

1. In 2014, 13 interventions were held in more than 10 cities in Colombia that celebrated Global Dignity Day.

2. In 2015, 10 interventions such as workshops and celebrations were held in universities, schools in alliance with other NGO's.

3. In 2016, 18 activities were held, such as participation in major events and interventions in schools and in partnership with various foundations.

4. In 2017, 8 interventions such as Hug Fests and workshops were held in several cities in Colombia.

5. In 2018, 4 large Hug Fests were held in different cities of Colombia


Short term goals

Promote calls to actions in different schools, foundations, and universities that promote dignity.


Long term changes

Dignify life


Available metrics 

- More than 10,000 people have been impacted and more than 100 leaders have been involved in the different activities including the hubs of Barranquilla, Bogotá, Cali, and Manizales.

- More than 20 shapers involved in the planning and logistics of the project and more than 50 shapers from 4 hubs involved in the execution and events.



Global Dignity ONG worldwide / Fundación Youth Colombian Leaders / Colegio Británico / Children International / Sumérgete / Pastoral Juvenil / Colegio Altamira / Transmetro Barranquilla/ Cruz Roja Antioquia / Jóvenes Embajadores Programa US Embassy / Líderes de Comunidad / SENA / Colegio José Raimundo Sojo / Bancoldex / Creative Mornings / Univoluntarios Universidad del Norte / CUC / Cátedra Barranquilla / Chukuwata / Ciudadano de honor


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