
Sharing the circular economy knowledge and the negative impact of the fashion industry will help people to be part of the second-hand clothes cycle, and clothing repair shops can become the new option to encourage customers to not waste their money.

If the community reduces textile waste, make savings in the family economy, and helps the growth of local economy, we will see an an impact on the development of a sustainable lifestyle, helping mitigate climate change and supporting sustainable cities.


After the collapse of the Rana Plaza building used as a factory for the textile industry in Bangladesh during 2013, where more than 2,500 people were injured, the Fashion Revolution movement was born to raise awareness and change fast fashion habits. This industry forces us to continue shopping apparel manufactured under these unsustainable economic models, and the Global Shapers community united through the Shaping Fashion initiative.


We find in the Circular Economy the fundamental principles to achieve a change to dissociate economic activity from the consumption of limited resources and eliminate waste from the design system.


The Cuernavaca Hub wants to make a social, environmental, and economic change by motivating the local community to develop actions to reduce the ravages produced by the fashion industry like climate change, modern slavery, and pollution.

We also want to strengthen the local economy of clothing repair and care textile products to achieve sustainable fashion habits.

Target Group

  • People who consume fast fashion, between the ages of 24 and 44 and who buy clothes online from global brands.

  • Kids from 0 to 10 years old.

  • Low-income families, single mothers, and fathers.

Proposed Solution

Change the behavior of excessive fashion consumption through training and activities focused on the principles of the circular economy:

  • The eco-conception: evaluates the environmental impacts throughout the life cycle of a product and integrates them from its creation.

  • Second hand: share, sell or use some parts to develop new products.

  • Repair: find a second life for damaged products by repairing their defects.

  • Recycling: take advantage of the materials found in waste.

  • Value: take advantage of waste raw material and recycle to receive an economic benefit.

Design a catalog of sustainable fashion alternatives such as local clothing repair businesses, clothing rentals, and sustainable fashion brands to promote them through digital campaigns and actions with local allies.

Hub Activities

  • Promotion of local activities for Fashion Revolution Week.

  • Strategy design and digital content.

  • Development of the Catalog of sustainable fashion alternatives.

  • Proposals for a Swapping Memories blog.

  • Actions during Fashion Revolution Week 2022.

Short & Long-Term Goals/Results

  • Promote circular fashion habits.

  • Increase our digital activity to grow our impact.

  • Share and promote the call for sustainable fashion alternatives.

  • Develop a catalog of sustainable fashion local stores.


  • Los Chocolates

  • Don Pollo

  • Locomotora

  • Tienda Keto Cuerna

  • Innovanovich Dental Care

  • Hagamos Composta

  • Santa Belleza

  • Instituto de la Juventud


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