Education Tour

The tour project addresses the issue of limited educational and skill development opportunities for children from underprivileged states in Tunisia. This issue is rooted in poverty and income inequality, which has led to disparities in access to education and career opportunities between different socio-economic groups in the country. Therefore, we targeted high school students in freshman, sophomore and junior grades in underprivileged states in Tunisia. Their ages vary from 14 to 18 years old as they build their skills for graduation and for university.

Tunis Hub is offering them learning opportunities in a variety of skills of their choice and interest because it breaks the financial restrictions as well as enlightens them with new and innovative content which the Tunisian educational system desperately lacks. The hub has partnered with the target state's local youth center in Mannouba and coordinated respectively with experts, entrepreneurs and social media influencers to provide this series of training in different themes including design thinking, business model canvas, social media marketing and personal branding and last but not least introduction to programming. The project is aimed at addressing the problem of lack of access to and availability of valuable educational opportunities for skill development for high school students in underprivileged states in Tunisia.

The long-term vision is to impact the next generation of youth in Tunisia in terms of critical skills for a smooth integration either in entrepreneurship or in the tough labor market while making sure young students have had the chance to try different tools and practice numerous skills before deciding what to commit to, with passion.

The key outputs achieved from this project consist on:

  • Building a strong relationship with public youth institutions working on youth engagement and empowerment

  • Increasing the number of students benefiting from soft and hard skills which are lacking their school system

  • Engaging experiences professionals and influencers in making a positive impact with the knowledge sharing they provide

  • Contributing to the long-term employability, quality education and economic prospects of our young beneficiaries

Key Partners:

  • Complexe des Jeunes Mannouba

  • Commissariat regional de la jeunesse et des sports de Manouba


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