Collaboration Ecosystems

The Morelia hub as identified a cyclical trap affecting citizen’s safety, economic growth and technology innovation. Current organised crime, homicide and robbery rates create a fearful environment not only for citizens, but also business looking to expand. This has stagnated the economy of the city, creating more inequality, fostering youth-employment and as a result, young people join in criminal activities. The hub aims to co-host a collaboration ecosystem in the city to design and implement collaborative and innovative solutions to tackle this cyclical trap. The ecosystem will comprise a variety of stakeholders from all sectors and put technology and innovation as the transversal axis for the solutions that will be born inside the ecosystem.

These solutions aim to reduce by a minimum of 5% the annual homicides and robbery crimes per capita in the city, increase public and private R&D investment, increase public trust in local public institutions, and to prepare Morelia for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.


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