Digital Trade

This initiative supports work towards a global system of digital trade that drives growing and more equal opportunities. The current landscape of fragmented digital trade regulations hinders many small and medium- sized firms, in particular, from fully leveraging the benefits of e-commerce beyond their own home market.

The initiative focuses on three key areas:

(1) Promoting regulatory collaboration;

(2) Delivering effective and interoperable e-commerce and payment ecosystems;

(3) Exploring and incubating innovative trade-enabling technology;

The Digital Economy Agreement Leadership (DEAL) community convenes regulators from digital economy agreements (DEAs) and digital trade rulemaking fora (e.g. AfCFTA Digital Trade Protocol, WTO JSI E-Commerce negotiations), together with private-sector representatives and other stakeholders to share and promote best practices and impactful outcomes.

Within this, the ASEAN Digital Economy Agreement Leadership (DEAL) project actively supports the negotiation of the ongoing Digital Economy Framework Agreement (DEFA) negotiations within ASEAN. This project, funded by the ASEAN-Korea Cooperation Fund (AKCF) supports these negotiations by: (1) maintaining an online interactive repository of previous and existing negotiating outcomes to help negotiators agree on text and language that is broadly aligned with existing norms and standards; (2) conducting a cross-ASEAN business survey of MSMEs to better inform negotiators on the needs, priorities and preferences of their own MSMEs; (3) sensitizing ASEAN DEFA negotiators and ASEAN Secretariat to the perspective of regional and international businesses on issues under negotiation.

Digital Trade Development Program. This initiative tackles longstanding pain points crucial to making the benefits of e-commerce and digital trade accessible to MSMEs in both developed and developing countries, across: (1) policy, (2) connectivity, (3) finance, (4) logistics, and (5) skills. It identifies barriers to national digital trade success and helps governments effect practical change, working with local and global stakeholders. It builds on the World Economic Forum community’s successful track record in helping deliver trade facilitation, investment facilitation and services regulation reforms across African, Asian and Latin American economies. The program achieves rapid and sustainable results by ensuring top-down support and bottom-up design. Impact is measured in terms of the ease of doing business in the cross-border digital economy for MSMEs.

TradeTech and PAGA The TradeTech Initiative convenes a community of technology start-ups, investors, exporters and supply chain firms to explore the development of innovate trade-enabling technology within a supportive ecosystem. Through a business incubator and regulatory sandbox it accelerates the growth of technology applications to serve global trade needs.

The Payments to Advance Growth for All (PAGA) initiative focuses on improving access to and interoperability of cross-border digital payment solutions.


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