Digital Literacy Program

The Faisalabad Hub of Global Shapers aims to shrink the gap between youth and digital culture by providing mentorship and proper awareness of the growing digital economy. Under this platform, a number of code labs, seminars, and workshops were conducted which focused on digital literacy. Each training session consisted of three parts. The first part was concerned with the importance of digital literacy. In the second part, certain skills such as YouTube, SEO, and digital marketing were developed. In the final part, the awareness of monetizing gained skills was raised. In this project, the hub collaborated with different educational institutes, IT companies, student clubs, etc. Each of these associates contributed resources such as training facilitators and experts, venue and volunteers for conducting particular sessions, and financing in particular. Under this programme, Shapers held eight code labs and workshops and trained 1000 students, which helped to create and enhance their skills as Freelancers, YouTubers, Bloggers, Web Developers, Mobile Journalists, SEO Experts and more. The knowledge gained from this project will help the participants to support themselves financially.  


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