Cybersecurity Learning Hub

The Cybersecurity Learning Hub is a World Economic Forum partner-led initiative designed to tackle the global cybersecurity skills shortage, managed by Salesforce, Fortinet, and the Global Cyber Alliance.

The Cybersecurity Career Path, produced as part of the initiative, is hosted on Trailhead, Salesforce’s learning platform, and provides a growing library of career-oriented information, expert interviews, and training modules. The site enables learners to map their own career path through a variety of in-demand cybersecurity roles.

There are also resources provided for cybersecurity leaders and organizations. For example, Cyber Resilience for Organizations is a curated learning path of explanatory and technically oriented courses to help organizations understand and mitigate their cyber risk.

The Cybersecurity Career Path exists to empower anyone, regardless of previous training and background, to retrain for the future and learn in-demand skills sought after by employers. Together, we want to help fill these open roles and make the world safer, one cybersecurity professional at a time.


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