
CyberFest is a program in a partnership with Flow Accelerator & the Friedrich Naumann Foundation, which aims to promote innovation, entrepreneurship, and technology knowledge in Palestine, through a series of bootcamps related to different technology topics (i.e. Cybersecurity, Cloud computing, AI, Block chains, IoT, etc.).


Each bootcamp includes 5 sessions of 1-2 hours each, conducted in a 2-day format, to cover the theoretical and practical aspects of a topic. At the end of the 6 bootcamps, participants/Junior Engineers will be prepared for the final hackathon competition to further develop and pitch eligible ideas that emerged during the think tank phase. Some participants will also have the opportunity to prepare for interviews to be hired by major technology companies.


The bootcamps topics are:

  • VR
    • CyberFest will kick off with the Virtual Reality Bootcamp. Virtual reality is a computer-generated environment that allows users to explore and interact with their surroundings. Since Facebook announced its rebranding to Meta and a shift in focus to using virtual and augmented realities to bring the Metaverse to life, the topic of virtual reality has gained a lot of attention. 

  • AI
    • The second bootcamp part of the CyberFest program is on Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is the use of computer machines to perform tasks with varying levels of complexity autonomously without the need for human interference. AI is already used in many applications such as word processing and facial recognition, however the technology is still considered in its early stages and has a lot of room to grow. It is also expected to be a key pillar of the technologies that humans rely on over the long term.

  • Cloud Computing 
    • The third bootcamp part of the CyberFest program will focus on Cloud Computing. The concept behind cloud computing attempts to move files away from traditional forms of storage and instead store them on service providers' servers, making processes more efficient, enabling easier sharing of information, and saving large amounts of money on traditional drives for storage.

  • Internet of things
    • The fourth bootcamp will be on the Internet of Things, which is a network of computers, machines and devices that can communicate, send and receive data using sensors without human intervention.

  • Blockchain
    • The fifth bootcamp will be on Blockchain Technology, which corresponds to the use of decentralized online ledgers that store information across all devices connected to the network, ensuring security and anonymity. Blockchain has exploded in popularity over the past few years, its most popular application is in cryptocurrencies, but it is also being used by many industries for improving the processes of information sharing, storage, and tracking. 

  • Big data 
    • To finish off the CyberFest program, the last hackathon will focus on Big Data. Big Data is about the effective sorting, analysing, processing, and storing of large amounts of continuously expanding data using advanced computer systems to produce outputs that aid in decision-making. The concept of big data is becoming more relevant today due to the increasing speed at which data must be processed, as well as the complexity and variety of data produced every day. Big data already plays a role in many major industries, such as health, gaming, and retail, but it is set to become an important part of any company's success in the future.

CyberFest will also focus on Cybersecurity and Sustainable Technology:

  • Cybersecurity
    • Cybersecurity is the protection of computer systems from external attacks that could compromise the system's integrity or allow unauthorized access to private information. Cybersecurity has recently grown in importance because of significant and costly attacks by hackers on major organizations around the world, most notably the rise of 'Ransomware.’

  • Sustainable technology
    • Sustainable technology: Technological innovations that consider the environment, with the goal of reducing the environmental impact of human living and technological advancements in the long run.

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