COVID Action in Europe

Our generation has never seen the likes of the COVID-19 pandemic before and, as Global Shapers, we need to be more united than ever.

Global Shapers Copenhagen is collaborating with WHO Europe for information sessions from WHO directly to Global Shapers hubs across Europe and Eurasia. As part of this initiative, this project will arrange weekly calls throughout the month of April with a WHO representative for Shapers in Europe and Eurasia to receive a weekly update about COVID-19 across the region and to ask questions about the pandemic. Furthermore, this initiative provides WHO with an opportunity to gather information from Shapers on any rumours or potential misinformation that is circulating in different cities within the region. These calls are intended to be from 6pm to 7pm (CET) every Wednesday for the month of April.

If you wish to be a part of these calls, please sign up here:


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