Climate Talks

About the Climate Talks


The Climate Talks aims share and give visibility to tangible solutions to avoid a more drastic climate crisis. We are working on raising people’s and private/public organizations’ awareness about the role they play in the welfare of the planet. We connect people to maximize the impact of initiatives and projects about climate, and promote the creation of new ones.

With Climate Talks we seeks a change in attitude and the importance by decision-makers and society in general regarding their own impact on the environment.

The goals of Climate Talks are:


  • Improvement and acceleration of projects with high impact potential;

  • Promote awareness and specific knowledge about climate change; create constructive, open debates that welcome different points of view and involve participants connected to environmental and climate issues;

  • Share tangible and effective solutions to face climate crisis;

  • Raise awareness among students, professionals, academics, public managers and activists and arouse them to the cause of preserving and caring for our planet;

  • Establish partnerships with public and private organizations to develop practical solutions involving civil society.

Results and impact


- We partnered with the Climate Reality Project Brasil to publicize the event, speakers and exchange of insights.

- From the first Climate Talks to its 3rd edition in November 2019, we impacted people from a wide range of publics, whether in social media engagement or participating in face-to-face lectures and in the latest edition via online platform / webinar

- Hubs like Florianópolis and Porto Alegre did their talks on the same date as Hub Curitiba in past editions.


Final Results


- Partnerships with Curitiba City Hall, Climate Reality Project Brasil, Vale do pinhão, Fundação Cultural de Curitiba, Agência Curitiba de Comunicação and among others civil society collectives in Curitiba / Paraná.

- 3.408 people impacted (social media), 155 listening participants (in-person and online lectures)


Second Phase (Next steps) 


From the collection and construction of insights, ideas and other collective actions and projects, we realized that we needed to put into practice all this rich exchange that occurred during the three editions of Climate Talks, so we decided to create a digital community, where we could concentrate all people who are engaged and interested in the climate agenda in Curitiba. This digital community will be decentralized and collaborative. The idea of ​​the digital community is to structure and engage more movements, activists, organizations to focus on both advocacy, as well as education and practical actions for the climate agenda in the city of Curitiba using all possible digital platforms.


The Climate talks will be an extension of this community, where through dialogues, debates that we will to build with members of the digital community together with civil society will present solutions with the perspective of all and thus focus on the decision-making processes of public actors and private, aiming to make the region of Curitiba more fair and sustainable.


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