Climate Reality Talks

Problem Statement
Administrative or social leaders, innovators or influencers of the academic, public and private sector of Guayaquil and surroundings who need to be trained in sustainability and local climate action (due to climate change) so that they can renew their professional activities and achieve zero externality.
Target Group
(a) Administrative leaders or professionals with no prior knowledge on sustainability and (b) social leaders of the public and private sector who want to better understand the effects of climate change specifically in Guayaquil.
Proposed Solutions
The Climate Reality leaders (from the hub and external) will collaborate by giving the Climate Reality talk preferably in a recurring space to train groups of people who are already in management positions, who are training in business administration or are innovative entrepreneurs so that they can make green decisions in the short and medium term generating a multiplying effect of this knowledge in the organizations or communities in which they work.
Short-term goals
By the end of 2023, we estimate to have trained at least 100 people - At the end of this project or the first year of operations, it is estimated that at least 200 people will be trained.Update: 155 people have been trained in the first semester of activities, including citizens and entrepreneurs from Guayaquil, Samborondón and surrounding areas, new hub shapers, and experts representing universities, business people, members of the Department of Culture of the US Embassy in Ecuador and social media influencers.
Long-term goals
Awareness about the climate reality with potential strategic allies that promote sustainability in their industries.
How many people did the project mobilized? 100 people in 2023 and a its expected to train 100 more people in 2024
How many Shapers participated? The project can work with at least 3 shapers
How many sessions were held: There will be collaboration with 1 university and at least 6 sessions will be held.
Main Project Collaborators

  • Jodie Padilla, Madely Ramirez (GSC alumni – external Climate Reality Leader), Belén Bucaram, María Falcones, Carmen Padilla (external Climate Reality Leader)

  • Climate Reality Leadership Corps from The Climate Reality Project

  • UEES – Universidad Espíritu Santo (number 1 university in Ecuador according to Times Higher Education in the 2023 ranking)

  • Líderes Hub | Leadership Network

Allies of the first year of operations

  • US Embassy in Ecuador - Inspira Ecuador alumni network

  • Municipality of Samborondón - Directorate of Innovation and Historical Park

  • MOC Network - Members of the global competitiveness network founded by Michael E. Porter at Harvard Business School


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