
Problem Statement

Digital equity and connectivity has been one of the biggest challenges for young people in Elementary and High School in Brazil. 4.8 million Brazilian students do not have internet connection at home and 39% of public-school students do not possess electronic devices such as tablets, laptops, or computers, and need to use their personal cell phones to be able to study.

Target Group

100 students from São Paulo with low income, low connectivity, gender and race diversity and family composition to ensure that this opportunity reaches those who need it the most.

Proposed Solution

The Global Shapers São Paulo Hub I has launched the Chipei project in 2022 with the aim of promoting digital inclusion and support youth from regions with lower connectivity rates in São Paulo during their studies.

Hub Activities

In partnership with Universia and the support from community schools, we donated SIM cards containing free internet connection for 6 months to 100 students and created the Chipei Community to develop these people personally and professionally and connect them with opportunities.

The selection criterias was low income, low connectivity, gender and race diversity and family composition to ensure that this opportunity reaches those who need it the most.

Short & Long-Term Goals/Results

Since July 2022, when the 100 students received the internet chip, we launched the Community and have been nurturing it with development opportunities ever since. 62 opportunities between courses, scholarships and jobs were shared.

We held 6 out of 7 online meetings of the first Formative Trail, our main product for personal and professional development until today, developed by the project team. The themes of the meetings were: 

  1. Connection between beneficiaries; 

  2. Entrepreneurship in Quebrada (slang for vulnerable communities);

  3. Policies, Public Administrations and Democracy;

  4. Sustainability in the Periphery; 

  5. Communication and Personal Marketing; 

  6. Economy and Finance.

In these meetings, we always brought references that were adequate to the realities of these people, mostly black people.


We've had great results so far and we have the goal of expanding the Community in 2023 to reach 500 young people and signing new partnerships to qualify further the work we've been doing.

Available Metrics

In the survey we conducted on Oct/22, 44 people responded, with 75% saying that they were using the internet to access classes and/or courses and 77% to access study materials. The Community NPS was 84 (excellent).



Community Schools


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