
Problem Statement

Nowadays, young Peruvians face many difficulties in finding employment, due to the fact that job portals are not secure or are not updated or the job position is not fairly remunerated. In addition, Peru is in the context of a transition to a green economy so it is important to promote green and sustainable jobs.


Target Group

The target group is young Peruvians between 18 and 29 years old (we are in a validation stage of our segment).


Proposed Solution

In this context, ChamVea is a project that seeks to promote simple access to green and sustainable jobs for young people in Peru. As well as improving the employability of young people through training, workshops, scholarships that will be found on the platform. The hub will support us sharing the updates from the activities that we are developing.


Hub Activities

We are still working on the project’s activities.


Short and Long-term Goals/Results

Short term goal: to boost our Instagram, set up our own webpage, win funding to start working on the platform and share 1,000 green jobs. Long term goal: more than 10,000 green jobs shared by 2030.


Available Metrics

We are still working on the metrics, but one would be how many people enter the platform.



Currently, we are applying to some funding opportunities, we don’t have any collaboration yet. But recently, we passed to the Regional Phase of the Koika Peru Startup League 2023 which will be a learning opportunity to implement the Lean metholodogy into our project and based on the results, update it.


世界经济论坛 项目 可依照 知识共享 署名-非商业性-非衍生品 4.0 国际公共许可协议 ,并根据我们的 使用条款 重新发布。



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