Call for Solidarity: Everybody Against COVID-19

Hospitals are overcrowded in Manaus, the only city of the Amazonas State with an ICU. The public health system collapsed and the number of daily burials went from 30 to over 120.


Global Shapers Manaus, in partnership with Lojas Bemol, volunteers and organizations, are working on a project with the objective of saving the largest number of lives. We have 4 fronts: protection, content, basic assistance and health consultations.


The project started in April 2020 and has these results:


  • Formation of a network of 44 volunteers from 24 cities in the State to share information and assist in project logistics;

  • Mapping and dissemination of 16 psychologists who are offering free emotional support;

  • 2.000 basic protection kits consisting of soap, 2 masks and wipes for people without access;

  • 812 face shields donated to hospitals in 24 cities in the state of Amazonas and 2 nursing homes, as well as support in the manufacture of 400 face shields for the Capital with a 3D printer;

  • 5 tons of hygiene and cleaning products and 2 tons of fruits and vegetables donated to 45 philanthropic institutions, such as shelters for children, refugees, indigenous hospitals and the elderly (reach approximately 1,300 people)

  • Donation of 100 food / hygiene baskets to 100 families with little access (equivalent to approximately 1.5 tons)

  • 2 virtual meetings about Economy and Health


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