
BE-KHIR seeks to combat the stigma surrounding mental health in Morocco, particularly by disseminating information in Darija. The primary goal is to raise awareness and instigate open conversations about mental health, fostering a supportive environment for enhanced mental well-being across Moroccan society. Initially focusing on the Rabat-Salé-Kénitra region with plans for national expansion, Be-khir collaborates with diverse partners to inform the Moroccan population about mental health, offering information in Darija to ensure accessibility. The project targets specific demographics, including youth, women and men, with a commitment to challenging gender stereotypes and advocating for mental health-friendly public policies. Be-khir unfolds through a meticulously planned multi-phase approach, encompassing digital and local awareness campaigns, key conferences, training sessions, socio-emotional learning programs in schools and partnerships to enhance accessibility. The project emphasizes a detailed action plan, precise timelines and continuous evaluations, ensuring adaptability to maintain relevance and sustainability. Quarterly objectives, tasks and stakeholder involvement will be clearly defined to drive the project's success.


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