
The Mumbai Hub has teamed up with Manasi Joshi (Para-badminton world #1 & YGL) to raise awareness around sexual abuse, especially faced by women and disabled athletes. To tackle this issue, we have to go deeper and start at the school level by educating children going into various professions, including sports, about safe and unsafe touch, equip these children with the vocabulary needed to escalate such issues to the right authority, and deliver this education in a way that’s engaging and effective.


The goals of the project are:

  • Deliver a quality curriculum around gender equity and personal safety education.

  • Reach 10,000,000 children in India by 2024.


The project team is currently working with two higher education institutions with approximately 1,000 students and faculty members, to create awareness around gender equity, gender based violence, child abuse, personal safety, etc.


The project team execute this program by hosting dialogues, debates, and allowing students to express their own opinion on this subject through street plays, poetry, and story telling. The goal is to eventually scale this program through a train-the-trainer model in other parts of the country (and around the world)..


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