Zoya Lytvyn

Head, East Europe Foundation

Zoya Lytvyn is Founder of the Novopecherska School, which has a unique curriculum that combines national standards with international cutting-edge teaching techniques. All operational profits from the school are reinvested into Osvitoria NGO, a non-profit public organization founded by Lytvyn in 2013 to promote the development and education reform in Ukraine. Other educational initiatives she is involved in includes an online media training centre, which trains and develops teachers from throughout Ukraine for free, and launching the Global Teacher Prize Ukraine Award to enhance the prestige of the teaching profession. Lytvyn received a BA in Economics from the Kyiv Mohyla Academy and an MA in Journalism and Education Management. She is a member of the Aspen Institute Kyiv and the Supervisory Board of the UN Global Compact in Ukraine. In 2019, she was awarded TOP5 Woman Entrepreneur by UN initiative  “WE Empower” to acknowledge social entrepreneurs who are advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals.



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