Xu Niansha

President, China Machinery Industry Federation

Dr. XU Niansha is the Chairman of CMIF (China Machinery Industry Federation). Dr. XU received a Ph.D. in Economics from Peking University and a Ph.D. in Commercial and Civil Law from China University of Politics and Law. Research Fellow at Yale University’s J.P. Morgan Project, Visiting professors at Peking University, University of International Business and Economics, and China University of Political Science and Law.
Dr. XU Niansha is member of the 12th and 13th CPPCC (National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference) and its Foreign Affairs Committee. Dr. XU Niansha also holds posts as the outside director (convenor) of COFCO, the Executive Board member of ICC (International Chamber of Commerce), the Chairman of ICC China Commission on Corporate Responsibility and Anti-corruption, the Co-Chair of Taskforce at the B20 Saudi Arabia 2020, the B20 Italy 2021, the B20 Indonesia 2022 and the B20 India 2023, the Senior Vice President of WCC-APR (World Crafts Council-Asia Pacific Region), the Vice President of CNLIC (China National Light Industry Council), and the President of China Arts and Crafts Association (CA&CA).
Before taking his position as Chairman of CMIF, Dr. XU served as the Vice Chairman of China National Machinery Inc. and the Chairman of China Poly Group Corporation.





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