Wang Yifang

Professor, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

1984, BSc in Nuclear Physics, Nanjing University, China; 1991, PhD in Particle Physics, Florence University, Italy. 1991-92, temporary research staff, INFN, Florence, Italy. 1992-96, Research Staff, Nuclear Physics Lab, MIT, USA. 1996-2001, Research Associate, Department of Physics, Stanford University, USA; led efforts of the frontend electronics, trigger, data acquisition, offline software and physics analysis of the Palo Verde reactor neutrino experiment. Since 2001, Researcher, Institute of High Energy Physic (IHEP), Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. 2001-05, Deputy Director, Center for Experimental Physics, IHEP, responsible for BESIII detector design and construction; 2003-05, Assistant Director, IHEP; 2005-11, Associate Director, IHEP; Director, Center for Experimental Physics, IHEP; since 2011, Director, IHEP; Spokesperson, JUNO reactor neutrino experiment. Member, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Foreign member, Russia Academy of Sciences; Fellow, The Third World Academy of Sciences. Author of more than 300 scientific papers; chief editor of two books. Recipient: Zhou Guangzhou Basic Science award (2013); Ho Leung Ho Lee Award for Scientific and Technological Progress (2013); W. K.H. Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics, American Physical Society (2014); NIKKEI Asia Prize for Science, Technology and Environment (2015); Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics (2016). Research interests: Neutrino physics, e+e- collision physics, detector design and construction, methods for data analysis.



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