1973, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Moscow Physics and Mathematics Institute. Engineer-Physicist. 1973-92, Engineer Physicist, Deputy Head, Laboratory, Chief Engineer and Deputy Director, Mangyshlak Power Industrial Complex; 1992-99, General Director, Agency of Atomic Energy; 1994-96, Minister of Science and New Technologies; 1996-98, Minister of Science and President, Academy of Sciences, Kazakhstan; 1999, Minister of Science and Higher Education; 1999-2000, Minister of Energy, Industry and Trade; 2000-02, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources; 2006-07 and since February 2008, Minister of Industry and Trade; 2007-08, Deputy Head, President Administration. President, Nuclear Society of Kazakhstan. 1997, Member, Supreme Economic Council. Honorary President, Skating Federation of Kazakhstan. Author of more than 140 scientific papers. Recipient of award, Parasat Order. Interests: economic development of Kazakhstan, human rights and environment protection.