Verónica Abud Cabrera

Executive Director, Fundación Educacional y Cultural La Fuente

Veronica Abud Cabrera is the Executive Director at Fundacion La Fuente. Veronica was previously a primary school teacher and has a masters in education. In 2000 she founded, along with her family, Fundacion La Fuente, a non-profit organization focused on the design and implementation of educational and cultural initiatives that bring benefits to vulnerable populations. She has carried out social projects regarding books and reading, especially building school libraries that are open to the community, mobile libraries, and public libraries located in shopping centers. She has also led the creation of cultural centers, designed to promote the enjoyment of the arts to audiences of all ages. In 2009 she was awarded the Schwab Foundation's Social Entrepreneurship Award for her Creating Tomorrow's Readers project, aimed at promoting reading. Currently, she is a board member of Fundacion Sociedad Anónima, a news agency aimed at making solidary action on civil society visible.



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