Tanya Dubash

Executive Director and Chief Brand Officer, Godrej Industries

Tanya Dubash is on the boards of several Godrej Group companies, including Godrej Consumer Products, Godrej Industries and Godrej Agrovet. As Executive Director and Chief Brand Officer, Dubash is charged with enhancing the value of the Godrej brand and making the Group become a more brand-driven organization. She heads the Strategic Marketing Group (SMG) that guides the Godrej masterbrand and portfolio strategy, and chairs a marketing council comprising of Group Marketing heads. She also heads Corporate Communications and Media for the Group and oversees Godrej Nature's Basket, a gourmet food retailing chain. Dubash is an AB cum laude degree in Economics and Political Science from Brown University in the US and is an alumnus of the Harvard Business School. She is a Trustee of Brown University and a member of the Brown-India Advisory Council.



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