Sun Xuemei

Chairperson, Beijing All in One Public Welfare Foundation

Xuemei SUN, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of, Initiator of "Girls protection" and Chairman of Beijing All-in-One Public Welfare Foundation, is a long-devoted pioneer in Chinese child protection development area. Prior to her current roles, she served as a journalist for the Beijing Times, and Editor-in-chief of the philanthropy channel of On June 1, 2013, she united 100 female journalists and several media organizations to launch a public welfare project “Girls Protection”, which upgraded to a special fund in 2015. In 2018, she further developed the "Girls Protection" team into the Beijing All-In-One Public Welfare Foundation, with a firm long-term commitment to preventing sexual assaults against children and adolescents, spreading sex education knowledge, promoting the dissemination of gender equality concepts, and ultimately improving Chinese legal systems and institutions on child protection.

By the end of June 2024 more than 14,000 volunteer lecturers had passed the assessment of "Girls Protection" in 31 provinces across the country, more than 10.66 million children 840,000 parents had been taught face-to-face anti sexual assault courses, online courses cover tens of millions of people. In 2018, based on “Girls Protection”, the Foundation launched new sex education course "Embrace Adolescence" for adolescents, which was taught face to face to around 500,000 teenagers by the end of June 2024.

For 9 consecutive years, she organized and held a symposium of Representative members of the National People's Congress and the Chinese Political Consultative Conference (NPC & CPPCC) of the "girls protection" and issued the investigation report on sexual assault case statistics and anti sexual assault education to promote the improvement of laws and systems.

Awards: National March 8th red flag bearer, CCTV charity figure of the year,Beijing Youth May 4th medal and other awards.



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