Saleh Muhammed Al Mutlaq

Deputy Prime Minister of Iraq (2010-2015), Office of the Prime Minister of Iraq

1968, graduate, Faculty of Agriculture, Baghdad University. 1986-71, taught in the Department of Soil, College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad; 1974, Doctorate, University of Aberdeen, Scotland. Former: Scientific Researcher, Research Foundation, University of Baghdad; General Manager, Center for Environmental Research; Secretary-General, Research, Ministry of Higher Education; Secretary-General, Union of Scientific Societies Iraq; Professor, University of Baghdad; positions in the agricultural sector, such as the private cultivation of large areas in different parts of Iraq, including Kut, Diyala and Anbar. One of the top producers of wheat and barley crops in the period of the economic embargo on Iraq during 1991. 2003, Secretary-General, Democratic Party. Currently, Deputy Prime Minister for Reconstruction and Services; Head, Ministerial Committee for Reconstruction and Services and Committee on Education Strategy.





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