Rodrigo Wright Pipponzi

Co-Founder, Editora MOL

Founder and Chairman at Editora MOL, a social impact business that created the concept of socieditorial projects: printed positive content – magazines, books, calendars and much more – sold for below-the-market prices in big retailers and other alternative channels donating part of the revenue to NGOs that fight for major causes. In 15 years, MOL has sold more than 22 millions units, donating more than R$ 55 million to 180+ NGOs and becoming the largest social impact publishing house in the world. MOL also runs a nonprofit, Instituto MOL, focused on the development of culture of giving in Brazil.
Founder and Chairman of Instituto ACP (IACP), a social organization focused on institutional development of NGOs. Board member at Sistema B (the Brazilian chapter of B Lab).
Winner, in 2018, of the Social Entrepreneur of the Year, prize awarded by newspaper Folha de São Paulo along with the Schwab Foundation.
Graduated in Business Administration at FGV–SP (São Paulo, Brazil).
Executive Education on Social Entrepreneurship at Stanford University (USA).
Father of two young boys and amateur soccer player and surfer.



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