Rob Wainwright

Group Chief Information Security Officer, UBS

1989, BSc, London School of Economics, University of London. Formerly, ten years as an intelligence analyst, UK, in the fields of counter-terrorism and organized crime. 2000-03, Head, UK Liaison Bureau, Europol and responsible for the Europol National Unit, London. 2003, promoted to Director, International, National Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS); was responsible for international operations and for developing and implementing the UK strategy against facilitated illegal immigration. 2006-09, Chief, International Department, Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA), UK; oversaw 20,000 law enforcement cases each year and established the international strategy and operational capabilities; mandate extended from SOCA's international operations and global partnerships to the worldwide network of SOCA liaison officers. April 2009, appointed Director, Europol. Member, Global Agenda Council, World Economic Forum, primarily on cyber issues. Interests: history and literature.



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